Full Vessel of Hatred - Latest Update Highlights

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Explore the latest updates for Full Vessel of Hatred, featuring enhanced loot tables and revamped chests for an epic gaming experience.

Full Vessel of Hatred Updates

The latest updates for the Full Vessel of Hatred have been detailed, encompassing the initial 2.0 version along with subsequent patches 2.0.1 and 2.0.2.

Please note, NVIDIA DLSS frame generation and ray-traced foliage features are currently disabled as the team addresses an issue for future patches.

Key changes include:

  • The cost for the Greater Chest of Equipment has risen from 60 to 200.

  • New Scrolls of Restoration are now part of the loot table.

  • The Chest of Materials has been revamped to utilize all remaining Aether.

  • The Chest of Equipment has been eliminated.

  • Players can now expect guaranteed legendary items with infernal hordes affixes from the council boss.

  • The Greater Chest will now always contain an ancestral legendary item.

  • Both the Chest of Materials and the Chest of Gold will now consume all remaining Aether, rewarding gold or crafting materials, including masterworking materials, based on the amount of Aether spent.

  • The Item Chest has been removed from the game.

  • Infernal Compasses can no longer be crafted; they will now drop as rare finds exclusively in torment difficulties.

  • The wave count on Infernal Compasses will be randomly determined, with each run of Infernal Hordes allowing a maximum of 4 revives.

  • The difficulty of Infernal Hordes will scale with the torment level (I, II, III, or IV).

  • Revives are capped at 4 across all torment levels.

  • A new key-binding option has been introduced for switching between running and walking.

  • Paragon levels are now correctly displayed on character nameplates in menus and friends lists.

  • Players can now swap gems and runes freely without needing to visit the jeweler.

  • The Blacksmith Cache now requires 5 Forgotten Souls for crafting.

  • Mythic unique item crafting has seen adjustments:

  • Previously, crafting a specific mythic unique required 4 resplendent sparks.

  • Now, players can craft a random mythic unique with just 2 resplendent sparks, or a specific one using resplendent sparks along with a unique set of runes for each item.

  • Crafting has also shifted from the Alchemist to the Blacksmith.

  • Runes will now be guaranteed drops from:

  • Boss encounters in the Full Vessel of Hatred campaign.

  • Whisper Caches.

  • World Bosses.- Players will now receive a first-time reward of magic runes upon successfully clearing a stronghold.

  • Items will no longer display impairment reductions.

  • An issue causing larger numbers to appear illegibly in vendor and crafting menus has been resolved.

  • The description of exquisite blood has been corrected to accurately reflect the quantity required for summoning Lord Zir.

  • The stealth effect from the Shroud of False Death can now be disrupted by damage from mercenaries or minions.

  • Players can rest assured that the stealth effect will no longer block the spawning of summoned bosses.

  • Summoning monsters at the start of a legion event should now function properly even when interacting with them while mounted and using spur.

  • An obstruction in the progression of the Eyes of the Enemy quest, linked to Locran's Talisman placement, has been fixed.

  • The guaranteed critical strike and overpower from Qax and Xan runes will no longer be used up by non-damaging abilities.

  • Class-specific legendary aspects and tempering affixes will now function correctly, preventing classes from using incompatible items via runewords.

  • Improvements have been made to performance, user interface, visuals, and overall game stability.

  • The gold cost associated with masterworking ranks 5-12 has been reduced by approximately 33%.

  • Masterworking materials will now be sourced from a wider array of locations within nightmare dungeons, which include:

  • Resplendent chests

  • Normal chests

  • Various interactive objects, including ambient corpses

  • Breakable objects

  • The Butcher

  • Treasure goblins

  • Local events

  • Non-ancestral legendary items can now be masterworked up to 8 times and can possess two tempering affixes.

  • Material costs for lower rank masterworking have been revised.

  • A new addition of 50 pit tiers brings the total to 150.

  • The bonus tier unlocks for fast clear completions have been increased from 3 to 5 tiers.

  • Lower-level monsters will now yield a greater number of items while dropping fewer crafting materials.

  • The loot quality from Hellborne enemies has seen an improvement.

  • Players can now expect a higher likelihood of acquiring at least one legendary item, with extra chances for one or two additional items.

  • Loot quality from treasure goblins and the Butcher has also been enhanced.

  • The Butcher is guaranteed to drop at least one legendary item and will always provide the unique weapon, Butcher's Cleaver.- Treasure goblins are now guaranteed to drop at least one legendary item upon defeat.

  • Loot from world bosses will scale according to higher torment tiers.

  • The drop rates for mythic unique items from ladder bosses have been modified to ensure they deliver guaranteed ancestral quality.

  • Duriel and Andariel have a higher probability of dropping mythic items, specifically twice that of other tormented bosses, although they do not guarantee a drop.

  • There has been a significant increase in the chances for unique items to roll as ancestral.

  • Starting from torment difficulty I, only legendary and unique items will be available as drops; any normal, magic, or rare items will be converted into crafting materials.

  • Experience gained from whisper caches and helltide chests has been enhanced, scaling with the difficulty level.

  • The experience rewards for completing strongholds have been revised; players will now receive a one-time experience boost for defeating a stronghold boss, eliminating the potential for infinite experience farming through parties.

  • Experience rewards for renown tiers I and II are now fixed amounts, allowing players to redeem them without needing to wait for higher difficulties.

  • The audio cue for a mythic unique item dropping will now take precedence over other sound effects.

  • Monster health in dungeons has been adjusted to decrease the disparity between regular enemies and bosses, creating a smoother transition in encounters.

  • Super elite monsters will see a life increase of 50%.

  • Elite monsters will have a life increase of 25%.

  • Standard monsters will have their life increased by 11%.

  • Scrolls of restoration can now be obtained through the season journey.

  • Penitent difficulty is now accessible after completing the base campaign of Diablo IV, including the option to skip the campaign.

  • The formula for calculating damage reduction from armor has been recalibrated to provide more significant reductions at lower armor levels.

  • Lower-level items will now provide increased armor values.

  • Intensity scaling has been incorporated into torment difficulties I-IV, with adjustments made for greater visibility.

  • The previous 2x increase to main stat contributions for skill damage has been reverted to the values before patch 2.0.

  • An issue has been resolved where pets might despawn when transitioning between zones with the "One with Nature" key passive active.

  • A bug preventing Prime Grizzly Rage from granting the unstoppable status effect has been fixed.

  • The tempering recipe for increasing the attack speed of ravens has been corrected.

  • A glitch allowing necromancers to equip two ultimate skills with the Unmaker has been resolved.

Bug Fixes and Gameplay Adjustments

  • Resolved a bug affecting various necromancer skills that displayed incorrect values, including:
  • Reap
  • Hemorrhage
  • Bone Splinters
  • Blight Corpse Tendrils
  • Rathma's Vigor

  • Addressed an issue where the additional sever from the Reaping Lotus aspect failed to create desecrated ground while using the Greaves of the Empty Tomb.

  • Fixed a problem where the Druid's Aspect of the Mighty Storm was dropping for necromancers.

  • Corrected the Titan's Fall passive so that its bonus activates only when truly fortified, rather than with any fortified health.

  • Adjusted the Familiar skill to ensure it no longer counts as a fire skill for stacking Enlightenment.

  • Fixed an issue preventing Fireball from dealing damage when equipped with the Gloves of the Illuminator.

  • Rectified the values of several legendary aspects that were lower than intended.

  • Corrected the Heir of Perdition's damage bonus against angels and demons to be additive, rather than multiplicative.

  • Ensured that ancestral legendary items drop correctly in Torment IV Nightmare Dungeons.

  • Addressed the issue of Whisper Caches dropping items with lower item power than expected at higher levels.

  • Adjusted the Elemental Surge tempering recipe to be accessible based on level requirements rather than being restricted to expert difficulty.

  • Corrected the tempering access issue that allowed level 1 new accounts to use it, instead of unlocking it at level 15.

  • Fixed the cap on legacy items migrated from characters created prior to the Season of Hatred, ensuring they reach item power 540 instead of 520.

  • Resolved multiple instances where Fists of Fate were not adjusting damage as intended.

  • Corrected the tooltip for armor to display in green when the armor cap is met.

  • Fixed a bug in the Seaside Descent dungeon that prevented completion if the gate release was interacted with before defeating the two Avaricious Captains.

  • Addressed missing descriptions for certain sigil affixes in Nightmare Dungeons.

  • Corrected inaccuracies in the tooltip requirements for boss summoning items.

  • Fixed the Eliminator glyph to include its additional threshold bonus.

  • Rectified multiple issues with inaccurate glyph descriptions.

  • Resolved a persistent tutorial quest issue for Torment difficulties that reappeared each time a Pit tier was completed.

  • Fixed a visual bug where equipment would appear unexpectedly on characters, such as floating pants. (Side quests—Act I: The Trousers from Hell, completed!) * A new hybrid targeting feature has been introduced, allowing players to select interactables based on proximity even when mouse movement is disabled. This aims to simplify item selection in situations where cursor targeting is difficult.

  • As players progress through higher difficulty levels, the quantity of gem fragments dropped will now increase.

  • A new gem tier has been added: the Grand tier.

  • Crafting a Grand gem requires the following materials: 100,000 gem fragments, 30 Forgotten Souls, and 10,000,000 gold.

  • The Grand gem offers a 50% power boost compared to the previous Royal tier.

  • Several gem effects have undergone modifications:

  • The Ruby armor effect now provides +Strength instead of a percentage of maximum life.

  • The Amethyst armor effect has shifted from +Strength to a percentage increase in barrier generation.

  • The Diamond armor effect has changed from a percentage increase in barrier generation to a boost in all stats.

  • Numerous gem stat bonuses have been recalibrated to align with patch 2.0 values.

  • Updates to gem stats, from Chipped to Grand, are as follows:

  • Ruby: +Strength values are +25/50/75/100/150.

  • Emerald: +Dexterity values are +25/50/75/100/150.

  • Topaz: +Intelligence values are +25/50/75/100/150.

  • Sapphire: +Willpower values are +25/50/75/100/150.

  • Amethyst: +% Barrier Generation values are +2/4/6/8/12.

  • Diamond: +All Stats are +8/16/24/32/50.

  • Skull gem now offers +% Healing Received values of +4/6/8/10/15.

Heir of Perdition – Mythic Unique Helm

  • Affixes:

  • Inherent: +200% damage against angels and demons.

  • +20% critical strike chance.

  • +20% chance for a lucky hit.

  • +20% movement speed.

  • +2 to core skills.

  • Power:

  • Succumb to hatred and earn Mother’s favor, increasing damage dealt by 60%[x]. Briefly steal Mother’s favor from nearby allies by defeating enemies.

Shroud of False Death – Mythic Unique Chest Armor

  • Affixes:

  • Inherent: +1 to all passive abilities.

  • +111 to all stats.

  • +222 maximum life.

  • +333% damage on the next attack after entering stealth.

  • 11.1% resource generation.

  • Power:

  • If no damage has been dealt in the last 2 seconds, gain stealth and a 40%[+] boost in movement speed.

Shattered Vow – Mythic Unique Polearm

  • Affixes:

  • Inherent: +400% damage dealt to healthy enemies.

  • +444 maximum life.

  • +29.6% attack speed while berserking.

  • +444.4% damage over time.

  • Lucky hit grants up to a +44.4% chance to enter a berserking state.

  • Power:

  • Enemies suffering from more damage over time than their remaining life are executed.

Assistance – Generic Utility Aspect

Game Updates and Changes

  • Your cooldown for reinforcements has been decreased by 23-33%[x]. After using your ultimate ability, summon a mercenary for support.

Introducing the new recipe: Sharpened Finesse

  • +x% damage for basic skills

  • +x% damage for core skills

  • +x% damage for ultimate skills (previously from Worldly Finesse)

The Elemental Surge Tempering recipe has now been divided into two distinct recipes:

  • Elemental Surge - Night

  • Lucky Hit: chance to inflict cold damage

  • Lucky Hit: chance to inflict poison damage

  • Lucky Hit: chance to inflict shadow damage

  • Elemental Surge - Day

  • Lucky Hit: chance to inflict physical damage

  • Lucky Hit: chance to inflict fire damage

  • Lucky Hit: chance to inflict lightning damage

Skill trees across all classes have received updates to enhance connections between nodes.

  • Monster health has been raised by 25%.

  • The health and damage of low-level elites, unique elites, super elites, minions, and bosses have been decreased.

  • Maximum level super elites now have a 50% increase in health.

  • Maximum level elites have a 20% health increase.

  • Damage for elite, unique elite, and super elite enemies has been standardized, with unique elite and super elite damage now aligning with elite damage.

  • This adjustment aims to provide more consistency in the damage taken from elite affixes.

  • Glyphs can be upgraded to a maximum level of 100.

  • Upon reaching level 46, glyphs become legendary, unlocking several new benefits.

  • An additional major affix.

  • Increased radius size.

  • Upgrading to legendary status requires gem fragments.

  • Magic glyphs have been removed from the game.

  • Glyph experience has transitioned from nightmare dungeons to the pit.

  • The cap for the Paragon board is now set at 4, in addition to the initial board.

  • The highest Paragon level attainable is now 300.

  • The following shrines now scale with weapon damage, similar to skills:

  • Artillery Shrine

  • Blast Wave Shrine

  • Conduit Shrine

Every unique item now features one designated boss for target farming:

  • The icon indicating additional skill/paragon points to allocate now shows the total points available.

  • Dungeon tooltips on the map have been enhanced for improved visibility of information at a glance.

  • New gameplay option settings allow players to hide specific warning messages and alerts, such as "you need more mana."

  • The sound that activates upon reaching a pinned location has been amplified for better clarity.

  • Druid spirit offerings have been relocated to the consumables tab, with stack counts increased to 999.

  • Players can now pin up to 3 currencies in their inventory, with obols and gold set as defaults.* Clarifications have been made regarding item descriptions that pertain to the addition or removal of skill tags.

  • The total character slots have been expanded from 12 to 14.

  • It is now impossible for dodge chance to hit 100% through any method. Bonuses from related aspects have been changed from additive to inverse multiplicative, aligning with standard dodge chance modifiers.

  • The gauntlet will not be available in season 6 as the game balances with the introduction of the spiritborn and other system changes.

  • Common items will cease to drop after reaching level 10.

  • The allowance cache, which previously contained helpful leveling items, has received updates.

  • There is no longer a level restriction on the cache.

  • It now offers one legendary item from a random equipment slot, with a chance for it to be unique or mythic unique.

  • The cache features multiple tiers that scale with player level, offering better rewards and higher costs at advanced levels.

  • Adjustments have been made to the cost, ensuring it is no longer a low-cost source for legendary aspects.

  • Crafting is now done at the blacksmith rather than the alchemist.

  • Ancestral items are guaranteed to possess at least one superior affix.

  • Nightmare dungeons are now the primary source for masterworking materials, following the relocation of glyph experience to the pit.

  • All beneficial affixes in nightmare dungeons have been eliminated, except for those related to experience and gold boosts.

  • The method for acquiring smoldering ashes has been revised.

  • The character level requirement for tiers has been abolished, introducing a system where smoldering ashes can only be obtained through earned favor.

  • Earned favor is accumulated by defeating monsters, completing quests, and participating in the season journey.

  • This favor does not include any awarded through non-play activities, such as tier skips.

  • Resolved a problem where mythic unique items were not dropping for players at lower levels.

  • Fixed an issue where Andariel's Visage damage over time did not activate if affected monsters were distant from the player.

  • Corrected a bug where the Aspect of Voracious Rage did not refund resources in all anticipated scenarios.

  • Addressed a glitch where Yen's Blessing could be triggered by collecting volatile blood from the Blood Boiling aspect.

  • Fixed an issue where players did not gain elemental resistance from Tassets of the Dawning Sky when affected by damage over time effects.

  • Resolved a problem where the objective to defeat the Infernal Tormentor in Túr Dúlra would not complete correctly if Baelgemoth was killed too swiftly.

Bug Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved a problem that could hinder quest progress in the Depths of Despair if Demotath was eliminated too swiftly.

  • Addressed a glitch where interacting with a side quest NPC could unintentionally dispel incense.

  • Fixed a situation where post-death effects from enemies, like the explosions of bloated corpsefiends, could delay the completion of the Sole Survivor event.

  • Increased the speed at which post-death effects from bloated corpsefiends and spider hosts occur.

  • Corrected an error where the vampire boss affix was missing in the Pit tiers 31 and above.

  • Fixed an issue preventing the imprinting of certain defensive and utility aspects on shields:

  • Sly Steps

  • Prudent Heart
  • Assimilation
  • Concussive Strikes

  • Addressed a problem that could block progression in the Onyx Watchtower stronghold.

  • Fixed an issue where tempering recipes and pit tier progress were incorrectly carried over to new seasonal characters.

  • Resolved a problem where whisper invaders were dropping inappropriate items like blackened femurs, gurgling heads, and trembling hands.

  • Corrected an issue where certain damage sources were inflicting excessive damage on tormented bosses:

  • Vyr's Mastery

  • Gohr's Devastating Grips
  • Skullbreaker's Aspect
  • Stormclaw's Aspect

  • Fixed multiple instances where NPCs failed to spawn, impacting various quests and hindering progress.

  • Addressed a problem allowing Tyrael's Might to be used more rapidly than intended when paired with channeled skills.

  • Resolved an issue where Fists of Fate did not activate its effect in several scenarios.

  • Fixed inconsistencies in the item names found in the transmutation tab.

  • Corrected the tooltip for Ground Stomp to properly showcase the modifiers for enhanced and tactical upgrades.

  • Fixed an issue where the Blast-Trapper's and Infiltrator's aspects were not tagged with the trap keyword in the Codex of Power.

  • Resolved a problem where the Aspect of Bursting Venoms and Toxic Alchemist Aspect were not linked to the poison keyword in the Codex of Power.

  • Addressed discrepancies in the tooltips for boss summoning items between the inventory and summoning menu.

  • Fixed inconsistencies in the highlighting of Necromancer minions across various tooltips.

  • Corrected the labeling of the Aspect of Vocalized Empowerment, which was still referred to as the Aspect of Echoing Fury in the Delver Challenge aspect list.

  • Resolved an issue where the lucky hit effect of Frostburn to freeze was not correctly reflected in character stats.- Resolved an issue that prevented certain elements from appearing correctly when utilizing the keyword search filter in the Codex of Power.

  • Corrected a problem that caused the quest marker for medical notes dropped by the witch in Alcarnus to be absent.

  • Fixed a display issue where life totals appeared slightly above or below the maximum health when affixes for bonus maximum life were applied.

  • Addressed an issue where the quest pin would vanish after fleeing from the terrified pilgrims during the "To Walk a Dark Path" quest.

  • Adjusted Temerity to ensure it correctly accumulates the appropriate amount of barrier based on healing received.

  • Updated hero details to now show healing received from Willpower accurately.

  • Rectified a bug where the modify and unequip button prompts for Paragon Glyphs showed as unavailable, despite being operational.

  • Fixed the tooltip for the Dark Dance aspect, which incorrectly displayed damage bonuses as multiplicative instead of additive.

  • Resolved an issue where Rogue's Inner Sight icon could remain on defeated enemies.

  • Fixed a problem that caused items to become un-droppable after interacting with the stash while seated.

  • Implemented various stability, performance, and visual enhancements.

As we turn our attention to Season 6 and the launch of the Vessel of Hatred, the ** Maxroll team ** is dedicated to providing you with the most reliable resources and guides available! We are actively working on additional updates and bug fixes for D4Planner! Stay a while and learn!

Join our Discord to keep up with our content development and maximize your Season 5 experience! Don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel!

Authored by: ** ** Chewingnom ** **

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